Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The last 15 minutes (2)

My last 15 minutes (before I go to bed) from Valentines day 2012. 
Don't even know why I mention Valentines Day - It didn't matter today at all. 

Today I worked at the Media Arts Studio. That's the Studio God Behind Bars runs... well,... behind bars. We work with inmates, teach them skills like graphic design, video editing and stuff like that. Anything they could use when they get released. 

Days when I'm 'on the inside' are exhausting. I don't know why... Maybe it's because you always have to be alert. You are in fact in prison and there are rules you have to follow. And I don't even know half of them.

That's stressful. 

And I can't wear blue. So I call them my non blue days. 
Do you know how hard it is to not wear blue? 
Plus, God Behind Bars has a principle about that: Dress for Success. So I can't even get away with black jeans. 

It's not a big deal, except for the shoes. Let's face it: some sort of heel works best in this attire. But that is NOT comfy. Not all day. Not with most of my heels being a size too small (huge feet problem)

So yes, I'm whining about shoes. I know. First world problems. 

Tonight I hung out with Jesus. I like those times. Rediscovering grace again. Loving it! More later. My 15 minutes are over. :)

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