Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A start

RUSH -Rewriting Ur Story Here

Rush is the youth version of God Behind Bars. The idea? Introducing young inmates to Christ by providing a top of the line, relevant worship experience for them; helping them to overcome hurts, habits and hang-ups in their lives by providing Christ centered youth recovery groups and helping them to move forward after they get out by providing mentors in their life. 

So last Saturday was the first time we ran RUSH at the county jail. The jail now has a youth unit with between 15-25 young people who are waiting for their trial. 

20 of them showed up that day. 
With lots of questions.
Some of them knowing nothing about Christ. 

It was a challenge, but totally worth it. I thought the worship time was going to be awkward. And it was. And yet after about 10 minutes the awkwardness lifted and they were staring at the screen, taking in the music. 

I thought the games were going to be awkward, but they weren't! I just asked them questions about life. What do you like better? Beach or Pool? (Beach) NYC or LA (LA). 

And then the message. I knew I wasn't going to be able to do a normal message. There was no way that they would let me talk uninterrupted for like 15 minutes. 

It went well in the end. I was able to talk to them about who Jesus is, why He is important and what He's done for us. At one point I got a little nervous, because I knew it was time to finish soon and with all their questions in the middle I couldn't move past the point of 'We all SUCK! We've ALL been bad and deserve death!'
You can imagine my slight panic as I knew I had to keep going no matter how many questions I had to ignore... And I'm happy to report that I did it! Left them with hope that is! We all deserve death, but that's why Jesus came..

Amazing night. To be repeated. Every Saturday! :)

Pray for me!?

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