' Jeff is a dirty rotten dog!!'
I couldn't believe these words had really come out of Danielle's mouth.
Now you should know that Jeff and me rent rooms from Danielle and her husband Steve. They are the sweetest and most generous couple ever and we both love living there.
Danielle grew up in the South and today we have company coming. That means that for the past 2 weeks we have done nothing else but organising, tidying and cleaning the house from top to bottom.
Today was the day... They would finally get here...
'Jeff is a dirty rotten dog!'
I smiled. I figured this could be fun. But I wasn't sure what had happened.
Well, apparently Danielle was in a (very important) meeting today when she received the following text message from Jeff:
Someone left the stove on and the kitchen caught on fire. Maria (the housekeeper) got here before it got out of hang and we're just waiting for them to finish I guess.. They just now gave me my phone that was in my room. They said there's probably going to be a lot of smoke damage and that we should probably stay somewhere else for a couple of days for health risks!!
Before you have a heart attack right now I should probably tell you that I'm just kidding....
Yeah, that was the text she got in the middle of a meeting. And that is also why she came into the office saying that Jeff is a dirty rotten dog.
The world makes sense again.
Now that I have stopped laughing I thought I'd post this so that you guys can enjoy a good laugh...
Slightly mean, but funny prank!