Thursday, April 8, 2010

What's been going on with me...

I love Jesus
Last weekend my friends took me on a trip to visit family in Colorado Springs. We went and saw ‘The Thorn’, an Easter Production put on by New Life Church.
It was amazing and a good reminder why I do what I do. I want to tell people about Jesus and the fact that He died for all of our sins.

Pier Ministries

Over the past few weeks I have been able to visit people in our neighborhood, talk with them, pray The grocery boxes are getting sortedfor them and just listen to what’s going on in their lives.

It’s really fun and a good change from sitting in the office. Since January we’ve been able to visit and pray for 10 Our clients picking out their brand new outfits from our clothing closetpeople, more than 800 families have received food from our grocery assistance program and more than 20 families have received brand new outfits.

We have seen clients from the food program transition into volunteering their time to help other people. It’s really been great.

A client receiving his food boxWe are partnering with another ministry to offer After School Homework help at our building 4 times a week.

This month we are starting to offer basic English Classes for our Spanish speaking neighbors.

It’s been a great season with some really good success stories and I couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks for being part of the team.

I want to be honest with you. For the past few months I’ve had some major financial struggles. Due to the economy some of my supporters couldn’t support me financially any longer and some of my basic cost, such as rent and phone have almost doubled. This leaves me almost $300 short each month and it makes it hard to keep going.

I need your help
Would you please pray and consider giving $30 a month towards my ministry? More details are here

Exciting New Ventures
While I love working with the ministries at the Pier, I also realized that I miss working with young people. Right now we don’t have enough staff, volunteers or money to start a youth program at the Pier.

So I asked the Leadership Team if I could volunteer some time over at the Boys and Girls Club down the road to start building relationships with teens. They agreed and I’m pretty close to finishing with the volunteer application process (Interview, drug test, finger printing, orientation) and am quite excited to start hanging out with some teens.
Please pray that I would be able to relate well and have chances to tell the kids about Jesus.

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