The YWAMer from a base in the country side
I told him that he could have the chair and he dragged it over to a group of about 10 people that couldn't have been any different if you had tried. It was a miracle to me that all of them talked to each other. How did they ever even meet, not to talk about being friends?
They all seemed to be in a general age range from somewhere 18 to maybe 28. Apart from the brown skinned afro guy who seemed to have an accent that reminded me of south America, I also saw one Korean girl who spoke flawless English with an American accent.
A group of 3 girls were all sitting on one comfy chair talking to each other, each in another accent. One British, one some mixed non identifiable mess and one seemed to have come from Canada.
One of them I immediately dubbed the nerd, because he had grass stains all over his jeans and his hair hadn't seen scissors in month it seemed. He was talking to another guy who was sporting girl skinny jeans and a tight fitted shirt, styled hair and everything else Emo you could imagine.
All of them seemed to have come from some major shopping day, because there were grocery bags all around them. But a closer look revealed that almost all bags held what anybody in the real world would call munchies food. Chocolate, sugar cereals, cokes, popcorn.
This surely was a peculiar bunch of people and I was intrigued. Where did they come from? This was a rather small town and I had never seen these people before. But even tho they sounded like tourists, they didn't behave in the normal tourist ways and seemed to know their way around. Although in the short time I watched them they certainly took about 100 photos on digital cameras. Any Japanese tourist would have been proud of them.
Not all of them had a drink and certainly none of them had a piece of cake or a cookie in front of them. Students maybe? But did the local university really have 10 exchange students from all over the world? And why are they all hanging out together?
And even more intriguing was the fact that none of them seemed to be romantically involved. When you have a group of young people come together these days you always have some sort of couple who's slobbering away at each other in the middle of starbucks... But that's another story.
So who are these people? Before I could watch them even more I saw a huge yellow thing out of the corner of my eye drive up right in front of the window. One of the guys in the group saw the bus and they all grabbed their shopping bags and ran out the door. One of the more alternative girls was leaving last, because she just couldn't leave the mess on the table and cleaned up all their cups and straws and sticks and threw them away before she also climbed on the bus and drive away.
Sipping my tall cafe Americano in a grande cup I wonder if I will ever see them again and who the heck they were. But that's none of my business and so I get back to writing in my journal.
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