Friday, June 20, 2008

Watching people at Starbucks

The YWAMer from a base in the city

The other day at Starbucks I saw her. She was in her early twenties, long brown hair, gorgeous face with bright blue eyes. 
She had claimed one of the big comfy chairs and the little table on her right had 2 cups on it. I realised that one was her pumpkin latte and the other one a cup of water. Of course, always get something for free if you can!

When the staff comes around to mop the floor she will be the person who will at least lift her feet, if not get out of her chair. It seems like she would almost like to take the mop herself! 

She came in hours ago and has been sitting there ever since. Sipping away on her one drink. No way will she buy another one. And no way will she buy something to eat here, since that would really bust her budget. 

For the first hour she just sat there listening to her music on her headphones. Then she picked up her humangeous backpack and pulled out a huge book, leather-bound and black. It seems to be a Bible, but it looks used. As if she actually reads it every now and then. 
She proceeds to read in it, every now and then stopping to underline something in it. She has a wide array of pens in all different colours. 
After a while she pulls another book out of her backpack. This one is a pretty one with black and while decorations all over it. It's full of little photos and notes. She starts writing in it and doesn't stop for hours. It seems like she can write for hours. 
I wonder what she's writing... Poems? Thoughts? Who knows. I will never find out. 

After a while a group of young people comes into the Starbucks. They all seem to know each other. Weird though, that she isn't excited at all to see them. Maybe they all live together in one house and she was trying to get away.

I silently laugh. No way! That can't be it! That would be one big house and people don't do that anymore these days. 
I take another sip of my tall cafe americano in a grande cup and continue to write in my journal!

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