Friday, June 15, 2012

Loving what I do - my most recent newsletter

Right now I am sitting here, waiting for the other members of God Behind Bars to arrive to the meeting. I thought you might want to ‘meet’ them: 
John, Dave, Jake, Don, Bob and Me! (left to right)
We will have a ‘same page meeting’. We started these a couple months ago once we realized that sometimes there’s so much going on that nobody knows anymore what’s going on, except for Jake (CEO, founder and my boss).

So now we come together twice a month and get to hear what the others have been up to.

There’s John who’s working on creating jobs for released inmates, starting with a recycled dry-clean hanger scheme. But of course there’s more to that. We are also starting a thrift store (to employ inmates) which will have more the look and feel of a target.

Dave gives us updates on what’s happening in the area of resource development (read: fundraising to start more campuses)

Don is an amazing man who’s been in prison ministry for over 30 years. He helps us in any way imaginable, but especially dealing with the Department of Correction (which can be a challenge)

Bob has his finger on various grant applications that are in to get our Media Arts Studio INSIDE the prison some new equipment. (We are teaching inmates graphic art, video editing, life skills etc)

I will talk about stuff that’s going on with the youth, how I am going once a week into the jail and hang out with ‘my’ juvies. How we need funds to start another campus at ‘Caliente’. And how we are starting to really be ready to help youth that gets released on the outside.

And then Jake will talk about everything else. And there’s still a lot. The After Care facility that’s about to open on the church property. The classes we will teach there (parenting, finances and career development to start with—I’m helping write the content).

The set free campaign that’s running right now (more info at and the push to reunite inmates with families by inviting the family to watch the same service online at

So there you go! You just met just a few of the awesome people I get to work with. And heard a few of the things we are working on. At the moment I still get to be involved in many other areas of God Behind Bars, until the youth program will take off like CRAZY! :)

It’s frustrating at times that I can’t take pictures anymore of the people I minister to. (Big No No to bring a camera or cell phone into the prison! :) )
I wish I could show you ALL the things I get to do. But instead all I can do for now is just to say ‘Thanks Heaps!’. I am so blessed to be serving God in this area, so blessed to have you as friend and supporter of what I do. Thanks for making it possible for me to get up in the morning pumped and excited for what’s going to happen during the day.

You rock my life!

Oh, and that’s a picture of one of the prisons :)

Oh, and read some of these stories from some of 'our' inmates and the impact God Behind Bars has had on their lives:
Just a couple stories from inmates: One inmate, recently arrested and had lost everything, planned to commit suicide the day that her bunk mate invited her to a God Behind Bars service. She went, met God, felt loved and is ALIVE today, sharing her love of Christ with others around her.
 One inmate, that had gone through Celebrate Recovery (faith based recovery from hurts habits and hang-ups) and we had worked with in the Media Art Studio was able to land a job once she was released with the STATE! She helps others find work now! Loves God, is part of a church and reunited with her family!
 God Behind Bars was instrumental in changing another inmate’s life who was in and out of jail, but finally realized that there are people who love her and want to help her. She also is doing well on the outside.
 You can go to to watch a video or two where they tell their own story.
 Tweets: Going to Germany for 10 days to attend my nieces confirmation and birthday! So excited.
 Prayer for ‘my’ juvies is appreciated as they’re starting to grasp the concept of God and His love for them. If you’re in Vegas, want to give me any of your dry clean hangers? :)
 Don’t forget to check out 

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