Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The rubber band gun and why it is significant for me

Last night we had a giving night here at the YWAM Base. Giving nights are awesome and usually very powerful.
This is the way it works: you ask God what He might want you to give away and to whom. Then you wrap it up (just cover it) and bring it to giving night.
You ask the person to join you in the middle, give him/her whatever you brought, explain it if you need to or if God gave you a word or something and then you pray for that person.

It's amazing how powerful giving something away can. Sometimes God asks me to give something big, something my heart is really attached to... (i.e. guitar, money, ipod, computer) and sometimes he asks me to give something small (flag, candle, clock etc)

This time I received something: A rubber band gun!
I'm pretty excited about the gun, but it was the 'explanation' that came with it, that made me cry and thank God for the fact that He really knows what's going on.

It was just one sentence... The guy who gave me the gun said: 'when I see you, when I see you lead, you lead out of a place of fun with God. You're a fun person.'

You got to understand that I don't know this guy very well and he doesn't know me

To hear that he sees me as 'fun' and to hear that he sees me and God having fun was amazing...

Why, you ask?

Well, for the past couple weeks I haven't heard that at all. in fact, I have heard quite the opposite! A person I really respect came up to me and told me that I look pissed off all the time and mean. He has a problem with my face! (which I can't really change...)

I've asked God to help me through that, coz it seems petty to make a big deal out of that. I love having fun with God and I know that often times that is NOT reflected in my face. But there's nothing I can do about it... except for fake smiling, but that's actually exhausting and not me.

So for someone who doesn't know me to say 'here's a rubber band gun, because I think you're a fun person'... That was pretty much God speaking to me audibly.

So I've had WAY too much fun with that gun today!

Thank you Lord.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post Frauke! Just wanted to let you know that "fun" is probably the first thing that comes to mind when I think of you. Well, maybe 3rd. 1st is tall and 2nd is German because I'm those things too! When I found out that most of my girls were going to be in your group at camp, I told them all not to worry, that you were SUPER FUN and nice!!! - Martina