Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Lately I've been feeling very discouraged and down about a whole lot of stuff. But like every good Christian I've also been trying to 'just get over it' with a lot of extra prayer and studying.

But 'just getting over it' is not that easy when you get discouraging news about once a day.

yesterday I spent some time with God just pouring out my heart to Him. It was one of those times where I am sure He actually heard me and took me serious. It wasn't just complaining... It was telling my Dad everything that's been going on in my life with no 'Christian filters'.

I still feel a bit discouraged today. I still struggle to see any light in the tunnel.

I know that God heard me.

I know that He cares.

That needs to be enough!

When you're discouraged, what do you do? How do you encourage yourself?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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