So I have a tradition... I'm not huge on traditions, coz they sometimes really put you in a box and don't let you come out. But this one is working for me.
A few years ago I decided that after thanksgiving I wanted to do a physical challenge. So I decided to go on a hike at Red Rocks. The first year I climbed
Turtle Head Peak. It's 2 and a half miles up a mountain and 2 and a half miles down. Not a huge deal, but big enough for me!
I did it and it was ok. I'm not one to enjoy the nature and all and so once I got up there I spent about 10 minutes up there before I decided I wanted to get back to civilization and went back down.
The year after I did Turtle Head Peak AGAIN. It was starting to actually get boring! LOL. Just kidding! Not that boring! The bad part that year was, that on the way back down I almost got lost, slid down a mountain and died.
Last year I was in Berlin with no Black Friday, so no hiking required!
But this year was a new year! But not Turtle Head Peak again... I mean, I just didn't want to get lost AGAIN! (a valid fear I thought)
So what hike should I do? There's a hike called Ice Box Canyon, but Thanksgiving snuck up on me and I didn't do my homework. So once Black Friday came around I was still undecided what to do!
First though I had to drop someone off at the airport at 5am. So whilst driving to the airport we saw all those people lined up for shopping, so I decided to check out some shops, since I was up early anyway.
But that meant my annual Black Friday Hike got pushed back to about lunch time... (had to get a nap in there)
On the way there I decided to do the scenic drive loop. It's just the road that goes around Red Rocks. It's THIRTEEN miles long tho! But I thought I could do it!
So I park my car and start walking... Pretty soon after (about 5 minutes into my grand idea) I am already questioning myself! I mean, what a dumb idea! I don't like hiking, nor nature, nor walking for no reason whatsoever.
I took a picture at around mile 3. I look excited, but I really wasn't! :)
Then I found an apparent short cut. So I cut off 2 miles. More walking! By this time I realised I need to get some decent shoes! And socks!
I found another 'short cut'... That added about half a mile to the trip! Don't even ask!
By this time I was freezing! And complaining to myself! What a dumb idea!
At mile eleven, the last stop before the loop ends, I walked up to a car and asked if they would give me a ride back to the end of the loop. I mean, I was freezing (yeah, forgot to pack a long sleeve short) and it was starting to get dark! You think I only had 2 miles left, but oh no... I had still 4 miles left, coz it's another 2 miles to get back to my car!!!
So the guys gave me a ride for the last two miles. So nice! And the car was so warm! And then I walked the last two miles! One of them in complete darkness!
I was so tired and hurting all over the place! There was no way that I was EVER gonna do this again.
Now, 3 days later, I think I might continue with this tradition. I might even try that darn 13 mile (actual 15 mile) loop again! Just next time I will start earlier, take more water and a long sleeve shirt and then maybe I will actually do the 15 miles.
This time around I did 12! Not bad for the first time tho!
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