Wednesday, April 10, 2013

That darn red button

So the transmission of my car finally gave up and I have been car-less. It's one of those opportunities for God to show up like crazy! And that He did:

  • Car broke down
  • I cried, then realised this is not helping
  • Texted a bunch of people and asked for prayer
  • Got offered about 7 rides within 10 minutes
  • Took the one that included a free tow!
  • Cried again (Still NOT helping)
  • Prayed some more
  • Peace
  • Friends gave me A BUNCH of money towards repair or 'new' car - my choice
  • Still without car and lots of places to go.. (Prison and mentoring appointment!!)
  • Walked into a meeting and told 2 people that I didn't quite know how to make those appointments
  • Both offered me their car.

And thus comes the story of that darn red button...
I was driving my friend's car (a Mercedes - got some brownie points with some of the officers at prison) and was talking to her about the red SOS button. And she said I should totally push the button! She said it wasn't quite what you'd expected.
But in the background her son was yelling that I should wait until I am back at their place, so he can be there.
So I was like, cool... I'll wait!
I got to their house, got him to sit in the car with me and in awe I push that button.... A little flap opened just like on a rocket ship or something to reveal another red button underneath! It was magical... And not quite what I expected.

And the red button... Well, it looked intriguing. So I asked her (13 year old son): 'Should I push the red button?' And he said (what every 13 year old would say): YES!!

So I did! (I don't need much encouragement)

At first nothing much happened. But then we heard some faint noise that was coming closer. Within minutes we were engulfed in bright white light from above, as a helicopter was hovering over us.
A rope ladder fell out and and what seemed to be a Navy Seal climbed down to us. I was slightly panicked, but tried to remain calm.
The 13 year old was laughing hysterically and my friend was still on the phone. I wasn't quite sure what was going to happen, but I started saying my good bye's to my friends in my head.

OK, so I basically just managed to start the call with the Mercedes Onstar equivalent... Oops!

In other news... I would still appreciate any prayer for this situation. I probably still need another $1,000 to get my old car going again and have it safe. And if I go for a 'new' car, then I need the deal of the century... it's decision time! :)