A couple days ago I was mucking around with a friend of mine and shared with her something secret and deep and meaningful... It was this:
When I walk into someone's house for the first time I have a set of 'cue cards' in my head that I use to compliment the owner on her house.
It's not that I don't notice stuff at all... it's that I notice it too late and miss that very critical window of opportunity to make a good impression.
People take pride in their home and I have learned that, even if I think the house looks messy, this person probably just cleaned it and for them it is clean... (Thing is.... I really don't care..........)
It gets especially bad when people (in Las Vegas) have just painted their house. Excuse me when

I don't see the HUGE difference. It was beige before and now it is beige again. There's no real difference. Not for me... Not for anybody. I'm just the first one to actually admit it!
My friend says that I have the same problem most guys have. It's hard for me to notice stuff that girls notice. My theory is that girls are just the better liars. With my set of imaginary cue cards I just have to pick up a clue here and there in conversation and then comment on it in a predetermined time frame.
It's not hard. just embarrassing to admit.
I'm glad she didn't call me a flat out guy... Coz if I'd have to be a boy I want to be a boy with ALL the advantages... pee standing up, have a smelly room (clothes/body) and don't care (ok, not all boys) and, my favourite, I want to be able to make funny patterns with hair on my face!!! Coz that's pretty cool!
If I can't have all that I stick to my very 'manly' cue cards!