It's all in the stars
Please mind the gap! Do not cross the street unless it is green and attempt to take on the pose of the little man on the traffic light! Reboot your computer. After November you will have wind coming at your from the front.
Always eat your green vegetable first and go to the back of the bus. if you see a red light, turn around and jump. Why not sit in your freshly tiled toilet in your jogging suit and watch some Harry Potter.
Put your left hand in first to mix it up! But careful: don't forget to shake it all around! Clean your shoes. The moon will set at precisely 13:23. On December 24 you will not find a parking space and will get lost in the mall!
Your checkered socks will be the hit among the 70 year old's! Don't take a hot bath in July and always use conditioner. Your lucky day is Monday. But careful, don't ever sing the in the shower! Do not iron your clothes while you're wearing them.
Pull the plug before you take the TV apart. clean your shoes when you enter a house. Never eat food with your left hand. Your lucky month: January. Although it is almost over by now, so hopefully you enjoyed your luck a bit!
Careful, the train is approaching. From September onwards you will not be able to get a seat in the bus. Take the bike instead and work from home. Your team will not get better, even if you buy another jersey. Avoid chaining your alligator to a fire hydrant.
Gosh, you again! Just freaking do what others tell ya!
Your doctor will lose some hair in October. Avoid chickens. Your plants will be homesick, your cat has an attitude. Don't cross the street without looking to left first! After the 18th poop of the year you will get used to it.
Your sick desire to wear dotted shoes will finally pay off. Your boss will like you more, you will learn to love pink and listen to classical music. You will not be able to finish the last email. Don't start new things.
Don't throw stuff away. Why not starting to collect bottle caps or apple skin? Definitely keep calm. Always go to the back of the bus! The view out of your house will not get better til April.
It's soon gonna be time. Turn off the lights when you leave the room. Don't be alarmed when you see a mouse. Grab a pillow and put it on your head. count your toes, shower warm and eat some sushi! using elephants for plowing your cotton fields will not raise the harvest.
the 100th repeat of the friends season 10 finale will burn itself into your brain. Be open and sing the song. Don't go out too late, it's gonna be dark soon. When you don't lock your door it will be open. Careful: the back tires of your car are turning.
And now: feet up and another round of SuDoKu.
Changing the world ... One step at a time ... Starting with myself ... Passing it on to others... I totally have the answer. Ask me!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Just so you know who I am!
***********FOODOLOGY****** *********
What is your salad dressing of choice? I don't really like salad... So I would drench anything green in anything white...
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? Jack in the Box? Does that count? Or should I pick a place that I like but can't afford?
What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? Sushi is amazing! I would totally do that. But it might actually kill me!
What are your pizza toppings of choice? Ham and pineapple! Amazing!
What do you like to put on your toast? butter, jam... No peanut stuff...
***********TECHNOLOGY***** **********
How many televisions are in your house? Hmmm... Don't know! haven't counted.. Not many tho! And I live community, so it's not my TV's
What color cell phone do you have? right now, black! But we are up for an upgrade and I SOOOO want a red blackberry pearl flip phone! Sigh!
Do you have an Ipod? Me? No, Never... Or, maybe! I think I might! And I might be slightly addicted... Or a lot. Who knows!
***************BIOLOGY**** **************
Are you right-handed or left-handed? RIGHT
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? The stuff at the back of your throat. Don't know what they are called.. But once the surgery was done they fed me ice cream! It was awesome!
What is the last heavy item you lifted? I moved some shelf stuff around yesterday! Why do you want to know??
Have you ever been knocked unconscious? Hahaha! Funny story with that! You should ask! I wasn't really knocked and I wasn't really unconscious. But I was in lala land! It was an amazing experience. Very embarrassing and very funny!
************DUMBOLOGY***** *************
How many pairs of flip flops do you own? 2 or 3...
Last time you had a run-in with the cops? I try and avoid run in's with cops!
Last person you talked to?Kimberly!!!!
Last person you hugged? Brenda I think! Or Yvonne...
**************FAVORITOLOGY ****************
Season? Ice cream Season
Holiday? I like Australian Biscuit day. I think they call it Anzac Day
Day of the week? Saturday? Wednesday??? Friday??? Don't know! Can't decide
Month? May.. you can write it the fastest!
***********CURRENTOLOGY*** **************
Missing someone? Sure. My honey.. My beloved, my wonderful person... Do you need a bucket to puke in?? I do! Yes, I miss people, but not THAT way! But here's a shout out to YWAM BerliN! They are amazing!
Mood? Somewhat bored, since I am sitting reception and cannot do some of my work.. long story! :).
What are you listening to? Not country music! That was for you Renee, altho there's one song right now that is labelled country and I like! I am so ashamed of myself and might need further counselling
Watching? Love Gilmore Girls thanks to Nikki!
Worrying about? When this survey is finally over
***************RANDOMOLOGY *****************
First place you went this morning? Walmart, checking out the specials on Thai spring chickens. There were none
What's the last movie you saw? Been trying to finish some James Bond movie (null null sieben!! Hahaha)... But bond gets on my nerves with all his female escapades... So after 3 days I still haven't finished it!
Do you smile often? Almost never! I choose to do other aerobic excercise.. And it keeps people off me! If I would smile more I would have even more friends. Who wants that??
Sleeping Alone Tonight? Oh you bet! WHat kind of question is that???
***************OTHER-OLOGY *****************
1) Do you always answer your phone? Almost always. I am far to curious to find out what you wnat from me! So call me! If I don';t answer it's on silent and I didn't hear it ring! !
2) It's four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it? Probably an automatic text telling me that Hannover 96 (my soccer team in Germany) won or lost a game! i am blonde like that and have updates about games that happen in a different time zone!
3) If you could change your eye color what would it be? from green to REALLY green! that would fun!
b) If you could change your hair color, what color would you change it to? Been there done that.. All colours!
4) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? Any flavour! I am addicted to my ipod, condiments and soft drinks!
5) Do you own a digital camera? Well, sort of. I sort of do... But not really
6) Have you ever had a pet fish? I'm trying not to have one. Too much work! I know that from having friends who have MANY pet corals and some pet fish!
7) Favorite Christmas song(s)? : Not my favourite holiday, so I don't really have songs that I would like to sing about a holiday that is not my favourite.... I like it, but it's not my favourite... Easter is actually great, coz people don';t make a big deal about it and there's no spontanious singing in front of other people's doors....
8) What's on your wish list for your birthday? That's a long time from now... Haven't even thought about it!
9) Can you do push ups? hahaha, that's funny! No
10) Can you do a chin up? You're hillarious! Stop it! Heck yeah! Of course I can do those... NOT
11) Does the future make you more nervous or excited? I think excited.... But I am nervous as well.. then again, I think I am more excited...
12) Do you have any saved texts? no...
13) Ever been in a car wreck? I flipped my car! It was pretty awesome
14) Do you have an accent? Nope, not me! You're just hearing stuff with an accent!
15) What is the last song to make you cry? Some German song about a lady who had cancer and died.. Very sad
16) Plans tonight? stereotypical
17) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? yes.. The feeling was there. But I don't think I was there
18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday? Nothing I think!
19) Have you ever been given roses? yes... I love that!
20) Current worry? Ministry stuff
21) Current hate right now? dessert.
22) Met someone who changed your life? Yep! .
23) How did you bring in the New Year? depressingly! Don't remind me!
24) What song represents you? Don't know! No country song tho!!
26) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Yes. that would be fun!
28) Do you have any tattoos/piercings? Piercings. not that much into tatoos.!
29) Will you be in a relationship 4 months from now? Sure.. why not!
30) Does anyone love you? Yes... I feel bad for them,... But yes!
31) Would you be a pirate? After being on a sailing ship for just a week and hearing some stories of real pirates... no.. it's not a nice thing to do! TV just makes it sound like fun!
32) What songs do you sing in the shower? I try not to, since I live in community!
33) Ever had someone sing to you? Yes... and it's always awkward
34) When did you last cry? DOn't know!!! It's so good to be back in the States!!
36) Do you like to cuddle? Hmmmm. depends who with! .
37) Have you held hands with anyone today? Jenn, Chrissy, Stacy, where are you??? Let's not go to Baskin and Robbins again..
38) Who was the last person you took a picture of? Hmm, don't know!?
39) What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?Wow, that's so far back I can't remember. I don't think they had music in that time period...
40) Do you believe in staying close with your ex's/prospects? huh??
41) Are most of the friends in your life new or old? Some are new, some are old... You're talking about age, right?
42) Do you like pulpy orange juice? Fill me up baby!
43) What is something your friends make fun of you for? Being direct
44) If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? Maybe! I could try and avoid it then.. Or we could have a party! I could have a pre funeral thing and it could actually be fun!
45) If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Well, don't know... jackie, Flubs, Lisa (only at starbucks), Byane (at church) or maybe Frauke... So many possibilities
46) Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? I think I would give it a try!
What is your salad dressing of choice? I don't really like salad... So I would drench anything green in anything white...
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? Jack in the Box? Does that count? Or should I pick a place that I like but can't afford?
What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? Sushi is amazing! I would totally do that. But it might actually kill me!
What are your pizza toppings of choice? Ham and pineapple! Amazing!
What do you like to put on your toast? butter, jam... No peanut stuff...
How many televisions are in your house? Hmmm... Don't know! haven't counted.. Not many tho! And I live community, so it's not my TV's
What color cell phone do you have? right now, black! But we are up for an upgrade and I SOOOO want a red blackberry pearl flip phone! Sigh!
Do you have an Ipod? Me? No, Never... Or, maybe! I think I might! And I might be slightly addicted... Or a lot. Who knows!
Are you right-handed or left-handed? RIGHT
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? The stuff at the back of your throat. Don't know what they are called.. But once the surgery was done they fed me ice cream! It was awesome!
What is the last heavy item you lifted? I moved some shelf stuff around yesterday! Why do you want to know??
Have you ever been knocked unconscious? Hahaha! Funny story with that! You should ask! I wasn't really knocked and I wasn't really unconscious. But I was in lala land! It was an amazing experience. Very embarrassing and very funny!
How many pairs of flip flops do you own? 2 or 3...
Last time you had a run-in with the cops? I try and avoid run in's with cops!
Last person you talked to?Kimberly!!!!
Last person you hugged? Brenda I think! Or Yvonne...
Season? Ice cream Season
Holiday? I like Australian Biscuit day. I think they call it Anzac Day
Day of the week? Saturday? Wednesday??? Friday??? Don't know! Can't decide
Month? May.. you can write it the fastest!
Missing someone? Sure. My honey.. My beloved, my wonderful person... Do you need a bucket to puke in?? I do! Yes, I miss people, but not THAT way! But here's a shout out to YWAM BerliN! They are amazing!
Mood? Somewhat bored, since I am sitting reception and cannot do some of my work.. long story! :).
What are you listening to? Not country music! That was for you Renee, altho there's one song right now that is labelled country and I like! I am so ashamed of myself and might need further counselling
Watching? Love Gilmore Girls thanks to Nikki!
Worrying about? When this survey is finally over
First place you went this morning? Walmart, checking out the specials on Thai spring chickens. There were none
What's the last movie you saw? Been trying to finish some James Bond movie (null null sieben!! Hahaha)... But bond gets on my nerves with all his female escapades... So after 3 days I still haven't finished it!
Do you smile often? Almost never! I choose to do other aerobic excercise.. And it keeps people off me! If I would smile more I would have even more friends. Who wants that??
Sleeping Alone Tonight? Oh you bet! WHat kind of question is that???
1) Do you always answer your phone? Almost always. I am far to curious to find out what you wnat from me! So call me! If I don';t answer it's on silent and I didn't hear it ring! !
2) It's four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it? Probably an automatic text telling me that Hannover 96 (my soccer team in Germany) won or lost a game! i am blonde like that and have updates about games that happen in a different time zone!
3) If you could change your eye color what would it be? from green to REALLY green! that would fun!
b) If you could change your hair color, what color would you change it to? Been there done that.. All colours!
4) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? Any flavour! I am addicted to my ipod, condiments and soft drinks!
5) Do you own a digital camera? Well, sort of. I sort of do... But not really
6) Have you ever had a pet fish? I'm trying not to have one. Too much work! I know that from having friends who have MANY pet corals and some pet fish!
7) Favorite Christmas song(s)? : Not my favourite holiday, so I don't really have songs that I would like to sing about a holiday that is not my favourite.... I like it, but it's not my favourite... Easter is actually great, coz people don';t make a big deal about it and there's no spontanious singing in front of other people's doors....
8) What's on your wish list for your birthday? That's a long time from now... Haven't even thought about it!
9) Can you do push ups? hahaha, that's funny! No
10) Can you do a chin up? You're hillarious! Stop it! Heck yeah! Of course I can do those... NOT
11) Does the future make you more nervous or excited? I think excited.... But I am nervous as well.. then again, I think I am more excited...
12) Do you have any saved texts? no...
13) Ever been in a car wreck? I flipped my car! It was pretty awesome
14) Do you have an accent? Nope, not me! You're just hearing stuff with an accent!
15) What is the last song to make you cry? Some German song about a lady who had cancer and died.. Very sad
16) Plans tonight? stereotypical
17) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? yes.. The feeling was there. But I don't think I was there
18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday? Nothing I think!
19) Have you ever been given roses? yes... I love that!
20) Current worry? Ministry stuff
21) Current hate right now? dessert.
22) Met someone who changed your life? Yep! .
23) How did you bring in the New Year? depressingly! Don't remind me!
24) What song represents you? Don't know! No country song tho!!
26) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Yes. that would be fun!
28) Do you have any tattoos/piercings? Piercings. not that much into tatoos.!
29) Will you be in a relationship 4 months from now? Sure.. why not!
30) Does anyone love you? Yes... I feel bad for them,... But yes!
31) Would you be a pirate? After being on a sailing ship for just a week and hearing some stories of real pirates... no.. it's not a nice thing to do! TV just makes it sound like fun!
32) What songs do you sing in the shower? I try not to, since I live in community!
33) Ever had someone sing to you? Yes... and it's always awkward
34) When did you last cry? DOn't know!!! It's so good to be back in the States!!
36) Do you like to cuddle? Hmmmm. depends who with! .
37) Have you held hands with anyone today? Jenn, Chrissy, Stacy, where are you??? Let's not go to Baskin and Robbins again..
38) Who was the last person you took a picture of? Hmm, don't know!?
39) What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?Wow, that's so far back I can't remember. I don't think they had music in that time period...
40) Do you believe in staying close with your ex's/prospects? huh??
41) Are most of the friends in your life new or old? Some are new, some are old... You're talking about age, right?
42) Do you like pulpy orange juice? Fill me up baby!
43) What is something your friends make fun of you for? Being direct
44) If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? Maybe! I could try and avoid it then.. Or we could have a party! I could have a pre funeral thing and it could actually be fun!
45) If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Well, don't know... jackie, Flubs, Lisa (only at starbucks), Byane (at church) or maybe Frauke... So many possibilities
46) Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? I think I would give it a try!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Public Display of Affection
PDA can stand for many different things... One of course is Personal something rather and is some sort of gadget that I used to have, but not anymore.
But I want to talk about 'Public Display of Affection'. You won't believe it, but tonight, for the first time in years I have found myself holding hands in public. It was quite awkward I have to admit. I mean, I really hadn't done it in so long. And then I WAS VERY concerned about what the staff of Baskin and Robbins would think. And of course the whole relationship part is still pretty new to me too. I'm still not sure if I was quite ready to take it to the next level quite so fast. We've only known each other for a short time, but I guess it felt alright.
So I did it. Here was I in the middle of a Baskin and Robbins, holding hands. There's nothing quite like that feeling. I'm pretty sure the staff was staring at us. Who wouldn't be? We are the new kids on the block and obviously hung up on each other.
After a while we stood up, as the moment had passed and it was time for us to go. We decided it was also time for us to hug. So we did. I cheated and peeked at the people behind the counter. They were so checking us out. How rude!
We hugged, and got into the car and drove away! It was a memorable night. I do ask myself 'where will this relationship take me?'. If we start holding hands this quickly. But then I realised I don't have to be afraid. I know we won't go any further than holding hands when we pray and hugging. Coz Stacy, Jenn, Chrissy and me are actually all into guys anyway! So no sweat.
Altho holding hands in starbux would be another level...
But I want to talk about 'Public Display of Affection'. You won't believe it, but tonight, for the first time in years I have found myself holding hands in public. It was quite awkward I have to admit. I mean, I really hadn't done it in so long. And then I WAS VERY concerned about what the staff of Baskin and Robbins would think. And of course the whole relationship part is still pretty new to me too. I'm still not sure if I was quite ready to take it to the next level quite so fast. We've only known each other for a short time, but I guess it felt alright.
So I did it. Here was I in the middle of a Baskin and Robbins, holding hands. There's nothing quite like that feeling. I'm pretty sure the staff was staring at us. Who wouldn't be? We are the new kids on the block and obviously hung up on each other.
After a while we stood up, as the moment had passed and it was time for us to go. We decided it was also time for us to hug. So we did. I cheated and peeked at the people behind the counter. They were so checking us out. How rude!
We hugged, and got into the car and drove away! It was a memorable night. I do ask myself 'where will this relationship take me?'. If we start holding hands this quickly. But then I realised I don't have to be afraid. I know we won't go any further than holding hands when we pray and hugging. Coz Stacy, Jenn, Chrissy and me are actually all into guys anyway! So no sweat.
Altho holding hands in starbux would be another level...
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